ComboScroller for the iPad

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Forfatter: craes
0.99 USD

ComboScroller for the iPad

ComboScroller – the app thats a letter combination generator and lets you review word permutations from random groups of up to 15 letters to solve a riddle or a jumbled word game, or come up with an option for a board game with tiles. If you like to do those scrambled word puzzles in your morning newspaper, while having breakfast at your kitchen table, but sometimes wish you could see all of the letter permutations - this is the app for you!

ComboScroller helps with word puzzles by making it easy to generate all of the possible letter combinations, and there could be plenty! Did you know that a word with seven letters has over five thousand possibilities?

Now there is no dictionary, repeat NO DICTIONARY, in ComboScroller so it doesnt give away the answers. You still have to apply your puzzle solving skills. This app simply, but very rapidly, takes you through a list of combinations of up to 15 letters. It is very easy to scan through thousands, millions, or even billions of possibilities, while still holding your pen (or coffee).

If you are looking for something to give you the answers - DON"T BUY ComboScroller!

Solving word puzzles still depends on you - Isnt that why you try them anyway?

ComboScroller - No Dictionary - Just Combinations.

You still have to think!

The screen is organized to allow you to easily scroll through millions of combinations, from which a useful word or phase should become visible. There is no dictionary so when using ComboScroller you still need to think!

Enter the letters in the text field at the top of the page, and hit "Done". Spaces and punctuation ARE ALLOWED! Your entry will be transferred to the row of fifteen buttons across the middle of the page. When you have made your entry, slide the slider to view the possible letter combinations.

When you see what would make a good solution to your scrambled letters from amongst the word permutations, you are done!

Good Luck!

One Final Note:

ComboScroller, the screens, and text are Copyright 2011, Craes, LLC. All Rights Reserved